Dura Washer 1 ¾" & Dura Mate Washer 2" are fasteners for Stucco PB and EIFS, Exterior Insulation and Finishing Systems.
Dura Washer Fastener 1 ¾"
The Dura Washer Stucco 1 ¾" fastener for Polymer Modified (PM) and Modified PB EIFS to fasten rigid insulation to wood and steel studs.
Excellent impact resistance, service in extreme temperatures and accepts screw only.
Part No. Quantity Packaging
Dura Washer 1 ¾" (45 mm) 1000 pieces per box
Dura Mate Washer 2"
Dura Mate Washer 2" is for installing expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulation board for Polymer Based (PB) EIFS to wood, steel, concrete and masonry.
Excellent impact resistance, service in temperature extremes, finger closures protect fastener from pop-ups and bleed through. The 2" diameter increases wind load resistance and has 25% more pullover value than 1-3/4 washers. Made from high density polyethylene for long service life and accepts screws only.
Part No. Quantity Packaging
Dura Mate Washer 2" (45 mm) 1,000 pieces per box

Testing reports done by:
Canadian Building Envelope Science and Technology Brampton Ontario Canada performed pull out tests, plotting the chart's wind load data.
Test reports available upon request.